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Duimpjeworstelen Podcast
22 apr 20201 minuten om te lezen
Thumb Wrestling 032 // Toeknee Tee vs. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre(s)
There are no mistakes, only happy little accidents, so says paintguru and human Zen factory Bob Ross. Well, mistakes happen. Like when...
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Duimpjeworstelen Podcast
26 feb 20201 minuten om te lezen
Thumb Wrestling 028 // Tulya Kavaklioglu ♥ Grease
"We belong together", they sing at the end of Grease (1978). Do they now? It's kind of hard to imagine all these people spending the rest...
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Duimpjeworstelen Podcast
4 dec 20191 minuten om te lezen
Thumb Wrestling 022 // Zuva Martens vs. Star Wars – Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
It had to be. An episode about The Last Jedi seemed inevitable. It is the most divisive film from the Star Wars catalogue, and maybe even...
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Duimpjeworstelen Podcast
22 okt 20191 minuten om te lezen
Thumb Wrestling 019 // Emma Holmes ♥ Kingsman: The Secret Service
'Manners maketh man'? When Colin Firth picks a pubfight, dressed as a gentleman, most people are on board. And so is comedian,...
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Duimpjeworstelen Podcast
15 aug 20191 minuten om te lezen
Thumb Wrestling 014 // Devansh Gupta vs. Pulp Fiction
English listeners! And Dutch listeners who enjoy English podcasts...! You are in for a treat, because Duimpjeworstelen is tipping its hat...
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Duimpjeworstelen Podcast
5 jun 20191 minuten om te lezen
Thumb Wrestling 009 // Piyush Sharma vs. Avengers: Endgame
For our second English outing, and our ninth episode, we welcome a most decent dude. The lovely Piyush Sharma, engineer slash actor. He's...
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Duimpjeworstelen Podcast
10 apr 20191 minuten om te lezen
Thumb Wrestling 005 // Steven Morgan vs. Deadpool (and Deadpool 2)
So, here's a first! Well, two firsts actually... Steven Morgan is the first comedian to be thumb wrestling against our host Ruud. And, if...
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Duimpjeworstelen: Blog2
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